문현선플로리스트아카데미 | 질문과답변

문현선 플로리스트 아카데미 디자인 플로리스트 정규 과정 커뮤니티 수강생후기 및 졸업생 고객상담센터


1% Elite Florist For Education

thank you about kind comments about my works

페이지 정보

작성자 MoonHyunSun 댓글 0건 조회 5,967회 작성일 09-12-18 08:01


At first, I would like to thank you about your kind comments about my works.


Recently, there are many changes in Flower Art area in Korea. Based on this new trend, we have a program with the balance between theoretical course and practical course. However, as theoretical part is quite important session, we advise you that basic Korean language ability is required, otherwise, the course would be so difficult for trainee. If I can share with you about my personal experience in Germany, I had difficulties to understand well enough the course at school even though I entered to regular school course after having around 1 year's language course in Germany.


Our course schedule for next year is not defined yet until now. Please refer to the official schedule which will be informed on our home page in January 2010.


If you need further information or if you have any other additional questions, please feel free to contact us.


Thank you. 



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